Cllr Joy Kofoed - Deputy Mayor 2024-2025

(Previous Mayor 2018-19; Charity - Lincolnshire's Lancaster Association and 2022-23; Charity: KLASSIC Park) 


Address: Lowfield Close, Kirton in Lindsey

 Other contact via the Town Clerk only


Council Responsibilities:

Full Council Meetings

Personnel & Disciplinary Committee

General Purposes Committee

Community Emergency Plan Committee

Snow Warden

Trustee of Town Council Charities


Click here to view Register of interests   


Pen Portrait

Cllr Joy Kofoed (Past Mayor 2018-2019 and 2022-2023; Past Deputy Mayor 2013-2014 and 2017-2018)

I live and work in Kirton Lindsey and have lived here for over 17 years. I joined the Town Council over ten years ago and have been the Deputy Mayor twice (2013-2014 and 2017-2018) and was privileged to be Mayor in 2018-2019 and 2022-2023. My Charities during my tenures were for the Lincolnshire Lancaster and Battle of Britain Memorial Flight and KLASSIC Park, where the town and others raised thousands for the charity.

I have helped the British Legion and many other charities raise money for projects around the town including the poppy appeal and the new benches at the cenotaph. My husband and I helped to paint and restore the area around the cenotaph.

I have been involved in planting trees and bulbs and was involved with the Kirton in Bloom group which now does such a good job of maintaining flowerbeds and planters. I have been involved with the taking on of the new allotment site and I am hoping to be involved in the several more projects around the town including the sports hall at the RAF base and parking for the town.

I am a forces veteran myself and served in the RAF. I am a competitive horse woman and can be seen riding around the town. My husband is a chartered engineer and is a keen golfer.

A Councillors work is all done voluntarily and for no funds or payment. Along with other volunteers and groups around the town we all strive to make this town a safer and more enjoyable place to live.