Cllr Adam Delsignore


Telephone: 07484 680471


Council Responsibilities:

Full Council Meetings

General Purposes Committee

Section 106 Development Working Group

Play Area Inspections

Trustee of Town Council Charities



Click here to view Register of interests


Cllr Delsignore Oct2023

Pen Portrait

I have been a Councillor since May 2023.  Since retiring from work a couple of years ago I have had more time to progress the community work that my wife and I enjoy.  Generating ideas and initiatives to help our town of Kirton in Lindsey is extremely important to me and that led to me applying to join the Town Council. 

My main priorities are to always want the best for our town and its community of residents and to always see the very many priorities and activities through that lens.  Having joined I can see that the reach of Town Council activities is vast and that there is a lot to for me to assimilate, I hope to learn fast.