Cllr Billy Boyd (Previous Mayor 2009-2013)

Address: 14 Fairfields, Kirton in Lindsey

Other contact via the Town Clerk only


Council Responsibilities:

Full Council Meetings

Personnel & Disciplinary Committee

Community Emergency Plan Committee


Trustee of Town Council Charities



Click here to view Register of interests

Cllr Billy Boyd 2019

Pen Portrait

Councillor Boyd was born in Liverpool and raised in Llandudno North Wales. He joined the British Army and was posted to Kirton Lindsey in 1974, as a member of the 12th Air-Defence Regiment. From Kirton Lindsey went to Cyprus during the conflict. Also, Northern Ireland. Then posted to Dortmund in Germany. Returned to Kirton in 1980, receiving a tremendous welcoming back by the Kirton in Lindsey community, after returning from the Falklands Islands war in 1982. Many friendships were forged during his time in Kirton Lindsey.

After leaving the Army continued traveling around the world as an Export Sales Manager for a Manchester based textile company. Moved back to Kirton, working for a French electronics company as the industry moved to China. Later starting work for a Military charity supporting all forces personnel back into work.

Joined the council in 2006, became deputy mayor then Mayor for 4 consecutive years. During that time, welcomed back the Local Royal Air force detachment No. 1 Air Control Centre on their return from Afghanistan. Opened the new play area on the green. Had a memorial made for the Eagle squadron who fought in the second world war, when many dignitary’s and VIPs came to the Town. Greeted HRH the Earl of Wessexon the opening of the diamond jubilee town hall.

His future aspirations are, that the town as it expands does so in a planned way through the regeneration initiative. That allotments may be brought into public ownership and that the military base and sports grounds are put into use for the people of Kirton Lindsey to enjoy.