Cllr David Garritt

(Previous Deputy Mayor 2019-2022)

Address: Beckingham House, 27 Ings Road, Kirton in Lindsey

Business Telephone: 07824 889616




Council Responsibilities:

Full Council Meetings

General Purposes Committee (Chair)

Promoting Kirton Committee

Community Emergency Plan Committee (Chair)

Section 106 Development Working Group

Town Events Working Group

Trustee of Town Council Charities


Click here to view Register of interests

Cllr David Garritt 2019

Pen Portrait:

I grew up in a village near Doncaster in the 80’s and 90’s with my parents, three sisters and a few cats. My father was self employed as an acoustic consultant; I found it really interesting so I used to follow him round as a child & teenager. It turned out that I didn’t have the talent to be a Formula 1 driver or rock star, so I went into acoustics with my Dad instead.

I met my wife in the late 90’s when we were 17, stayed together through University and then we both discovered Kirton in Lindsey when we were hunting for our first and hopefully last house in 2006.

We both love the place we live, Kirton is quite a gem and I think it’s worth the effort to keep it that way as it grows and develops. I currently chair the General Purpose Committee that deals with planning & finance, and also sit on the Promoting Kirton Committee that does the fun things like Summer Gala and Christmas Festival. I chair a group trying to get a Neighbourhood Plan written, which should be a very useful document that allows us as a town to shape how it develops. Outside of town things and work, I have a wonderful nine year old daughter, still try to play the guitar when I can and practice a couple of martial arts. I still like cars, have been known to try and build plastic models and enjoy gardening, more so when it’s warm.

One of the merits of being a small town is that we can have some influence on the environment we live in. I’ve enjoyed the variety of projects; there are larger ones like the current objectives to make use of the old MOD gym, get a new car park & picnic area and to fight for the infrastructure needed to cope with the new housing sites that have been permitted. The smaller tasks are also important and enjoyable though, whether its getting sand delivered for the sandpit at the park, or the evenings I’ve spent recently making a new switch on box for the Christmas Festival. There’s a lot going on in this little town, most of it run by volunteers without whom it really wouldn’t be the same.

When Deputy Mayor, I’ve had the privilege of representing Kirton in Lindsey at various civic or charity events – I’m proud to call it my home.