Cllr Hazel Fox - Mayor 2024-2025

Charity: 1st Kirton in Lindsey Scouts & Kirton in Lindsey Brownies

(Previous Mayor 2023-2024; Deputy Mayor 2022-2023)

Address: Farringford, 18 Spa Hill, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BA

Telephone: 07966 787044



Council Responsibilities:

Full Council Meetings

Promoting Kirton Committee

General Purposes Committee

Snow Warden

Playpark inspections

North Lincolnshire Council Neighbourhood Action Team

Section 106 Development Working Group

Trustee of Town Council Charities


Click here to view Register of interests

Cllr Hazel Fox 2019

Pen Portrait

I have lived in Kirton in Lindsey for 10 years and work full time as a Purchasing Manager for a Cycle Accessories Manufacturer, a position I have held for 27 years. My interests are reading, sewing, gardening and Formula 1 motor racing.

I applied and was successfully co-opted onto the Town Council in July. I wanted to offer my free time to assist in continuing the good work which has already been done by the other members of the Council. There is still much to be done however, and the enthusiasm and hard work of other Councillors is an inspiration to me and I believe we can achieve success together.

The work of the Town Council is important to maintain the effective management of the services and amenities of the Town so these can be enjoyed by all. I still have much to learn regarding the operation and procedures of the Town Council and I am willing and eager to do so.

Kirton-In-Lindsey has a tremendous community spirit which I am proud to be part of and been given this opportunity to serve the residents who make our Town such a great place to live.