Kirton in Lindsey Town Council are Statutory Consultees for planning applications made to North Lincolnshire Council. Below is a link to the North Lincolnshire Council planning portal, where you can view planning applications and consultations which the Council have received notification of, along with details of planning applications recently granted by North Lincolnshire Council.
Current Planning Applications:
Reference: PA/2024/365
Description: Application for approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to outline application PA/2022/588 dated 26/03/2021 for a residential development comprising of 79 dwellings, open space and associated infrastructure. AMENDEDMENT: development to comprise of a residential of 79 dwellings, amended planting scheme, 1.5m high close boarded fence with 300mm trellis to boundary with Lane End, footpath link from access road to the public open space, re-orientation of plots 72-74, amended site layout, amended cross sections, amended LEAP and boundary treatment plan, drainage strategy plan and updated BNG report and metric
Site Location: land off Ings Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BX
Consultation closes: 3rd April 2025
Reference: PA/2025/173
Description: Planning permission to erect a single-storey rear extension.
Site Location: 25 Park Hill, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NL
Consultation closes: 13th March 2025
Reference: PA/2025/207
Description: Application to fell a common ash tree, identified as T014 subject to and within Tree Preservation (Old Vicarage Grounds, Kirton in Lindsey) Order 1971.
Site Location: 51 Beechcroft Drive, Kirton in Lindsey
Consultation closes: 11th March 2025
Reference: PA/2025/110
Description: Notice of intention to fell an acer tree to ground level and reduce and cut back three ligustrum trees by 40% within Kirton in Lindsey's conservation area.
Site Location: 6 Wesley Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4PB.
NLC Decision: 04/03/2025: Consent under Tree Preservation Orders
Reference: PA/2025/69
Description: Listed building consent to install a CCTV camera.
Site Location: Town Hall, High Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4LZ.
NLC Decision: 12/03/2025: Listed building consent
Reference: PA/2025/68
Description: Planning permission to install a CCTV camera.
Site Location: Town Hall, High Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4LZ.
NLC Decision: 12/03/2025: Full planning permission
Reference: PA/2025/36
Description: Planning permission to erect side and rear extension and replacement garage.
Site Location: 1 Church Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BT.
NLC Decision 10/03/2025: Householder Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2024/1454
Description: Planning permission to vary the plans condition of PA/2024/1365 namely to amend the house type for plot 82, to amend the house designs and reposition plots 83-85.
Site Location: Plots 82, 83, 84 and 85, Selby Close, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4FF.
NLC Decison 28/02/2025: Removal/Variation of conditions
Reference: PA/2024/1455
Description: Planning permission for extensions and alterations including replacement roof to create first floor.
Site Location: Weardale, 21 March Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4PL.
NLC Decision 04/03/2025: Householder Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2024/1480
Description: Application to thin, crown lift and remove overhanging branches of 2 sycamore trees, indentified as T3 and T4, subject to and within Tree Preservation (Kirton in Lindsey) Order 1972.
Site Location: 8A Station Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BB.
NLC Decision 24/02/2025: Consent under Tree Preservation Orders
Reference: PA/2024/1402
Description: Application for approval of reserved matters (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to outline planning permission PA/2021/1763 dated 17/12/2021 for a detached dwelling.
Site Location: 22 York Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4PS.
NLC Decision 04/02/2025: Approval of reserved matters
Reference: PA/2024/1395
Description: Planning permission for alterations to boundary wall to create additional parking and the removal of disused chimney of existing dwelling.
Site Location: 2 St. Andrew's Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4PJ.
NLC Decision 03/03/2025: Householder Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2024/1365
Description: For a non-material amendment to planning permission PA/1999/0920 dated 31/03/2000 to add the following plans condition: 'The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: Site Location Plan from PA/1999/0920, Phases 1-3 K1PP001C dated 17.03.2004 , Phases 4-5 K1PP002C dated May 1999 AMENDED DRAWING, Public Footpath and Landscaping K1 PP 03 dated 07/1999, Phase 1 Plan SK1 dated June 2000, House Type 3 258T-06 Rev B dated JAN 2003, House Type Ei K1.PP.Ei01 dated July 2002, House Type E2 K1.PP.Eii.01 Rev D dated May 2005, House Type e(iii) K1.PP.Eiii.01 dated July 2002, House Type E4 K1.PP.Eiv.01 dated March 2004, House Type F 271T-04 dated MARCH 2003, House Types 1.2.3 K1.PP.004 dated 06.1999, House Types a,b,c K1.PP.006 dated 06.1999, House Types f,g,h K1.PP.008 dated 06.1999, House Types i,j,k K1.PP.009 dated 06.1999, House Types l,m,n K1.PP.010 dated 06.1999
Site Location: Windmill Plantation, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4FF.
NLC Decision 12/12/2024: Non-Material amendment.
Reference: PA/2024/1310
Description: Listed building consent to affix a digital heritage trail signage to the railings of the property.
Site Location: Kirton in Lindsey Fish Bar, 18 High Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4LX
NLC Decision 20/01/2025: Listed Building Consent (Alt/Ext)
Reference: PA/2024/1270
Description: Application to thin, crown lift and remove overhanging branches of a sycamore tree, identified as T4, subject to and within Tree Preservation (Kirton in Lindsey) Order 1972.
Site Location: 8a Station Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BB
NLC Decision 10/12/2024: Consent under Tree Preservation Orders
Reference: PA/2023/1166
Description: Application for approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to outline planning permission PA/2020/588 dated 26/03/2021 for a residential development comprising 74 dwellings, open space and associated infrastructure - Amended layout for 74 dwellings with amendments to house types, amended landscaping, BNG metric, Biodiversity Impact Assessment report, play area layout, cross sections, and street scene elevations.
Site Location: Land off Ings Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BX
NLC Decision 20/12/2024: Refusal to approve reserved matters
Reference: PA/2024/1169
Description: Planning permission to install an air source heat pump.
Site Location: 12 Fairfields, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4GA
NLC Decision 28/11/2024: Householder Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2024/1151
Description: Application to remove lower limbs/branches of mature Grey Poplar tree, identified as contained within Areas 1 of County of Lincoln, Parts of Lindsey Tree Preservation (Kirton in Lindsey) Order 1972 - A1 (Area 1) Listing.
Site Location: Land to the rear of 33 Beechcroft Drive, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4FE
NLC Decision 25/11/2024: Consent under Tree Preservation Orders
Reference: PA/2024/1073
Description: Planning permission for a new house type for Plot 82, Plots 83 and 84 moved forward and up and no garages only provide them with driveways, and Plot 85 moved forward and up and a detached garage.
Site Location: Plots 82, 83, 84 and 85, Selby Close, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4FF
NLC Decision: Withdrawn
Reference: PA/2024/1070
Description: Planning permission to demolish existing outbuilding and erect an annexe.
Site Location: 1 Cornwall Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4PP
NLC Decision 08/01/2025: Householder planning permission.
Reference: PA/2024/997
Description: Planning permission to erect a first floor extension above existing shop and provide two flats, two storey side extension, vehicle parking, cycle parking and bin storage (Amendment to previous refusal ref PA/2023/1752).
Site Location: 11 High Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4LZ
NLC Decision 17/10/2024: Refuse
Reference: PA/2024/956
Description: Application for a non-material amendment to PA/1999/0920 namely to create a new house type for plot 82, plots 83 and 84 moved forward and up with removal of garages - now just have driveways, and plot 85 moved forward and up with a detached garage.
Site Location: Plots 82 to 85 Selby Close, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4FF
NLC Decision 11/09/2024: Refuse
Reference: PA/2024/948
Description: Planning application to vary condition 2 of PA/1999/0920 to allow for a new road design with one footpath and block paved road.
Site Location: Land off Spa Hill, Kirton in Lindsey
NLC Decision 18/10/2024: Removal/Variation of conditions
Reference: PA/2024/902
Description: Planning permission to vary condition 2 of PA/2023/1679 namely to alter the external appearance of the building, remove the first floor plan and alter the ground floor internal floor layout.
Site Location: TPM Plumbing and Heating Ltd, Station Approach, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BD
NLC Decision 03/10/2024: Approve with conditions
Reference: PA/2024/936
Description: Application to prune overhanging branches to a sycamore tree identified as T3 in and subject to Tree Preservation (Kirton in Lindsey) Order 1972.
Site Location: 8A Station Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BB
NLC Decision 17/10/2024: Consent under Tree Preservation Orders
Reference: PA/2024/883
Description: Notice of intention to carry out work(s) to tree(s) all situated within Kirton in Lindsey conservation area.
Site Location: The Green, King Edward Street, Kirton in Lindsey.
NLC Decision 17/09/2024: No Tree Preservation Order made - approval for specified works
Reference: PA/2024/860
Description: Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed manure storage building.
Site Location: Whitehoe Farm, 1 Gainsborough Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4EN
NLC Decision 27/08/2024: Prior approval required and given
Reference: PA/2024/716
Description: Planning permission for replacement of fences and gates to most of north boundary of the property.
Site Location: Kirton Academy, Redbourne Mere, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NN
NLC Decision 09/10/2024: Full Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2024/652
Description: Application to pollard an acer and prunus tree, situated within Kirton in Lindsey conservation area.
Site Location: 3 Traingate, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4DR
NLC Decision 02/07/2024: Approval for works to trees in a conservation area
Reference: PA/2024/650
Description: Planning permission to erect a single storey extension and dormer windows to replace velux style rooflights.
Site Location: 2 North Cliff Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NH
NLC Decision 24/07/2024: Householder planning permission
Reference: PA/2024/455
Description: Outline planning permission to erect dwelling, with garage and associated vehicle standing and turning areas, with all matters reserved for subsequent consideration.
Site Location: Land to the rear of 6 Dunstan Hill, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4DU
NLC Decision 19/07/2024: Outline Planning Permission: All Matters Reserved
Reference: PA/2024/560
Description: Planning permission to erect a ground and first floor extension to dwelling.
Site Location: 11 Station Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BB
NLC Decision 23/08/2024: Householder Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2024/482
Description: Planning permission to erect a small monument/memorial of a Halifax II Bomber.
Site Location: Land south of 1 Spa Hill, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NE
NLC Decision 27/06/2024: Full Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2024/508
Description: Notice to fell two Acer and a Fraxinus within Kirton in Lindsey's conservation area.
Site Location: 6 Wesley Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4PB
NLC Decision 30/05/2024: Consent to works to trees in a conservation area
Reference: PA/2024/474
Description: Application for a non-material amendment to PA/2022/1521 dated 28/10/2022 namely to alter four roof lights to dormer windows and dayroom window to bi-fold door or plot 3.
Site Location: 2A, North Cliff Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NH
NLC Decision 07/05/2024: Approval of non-material amendment
Reference: PA/2024/378
Description: Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for the mixed use of residential property and retail sales.
Site Location: Plum Tree Farm, Gainsborough Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4EN
NLC Decision 20/06/2024: Certificate of Lawful Use or Development
Reference: PA/2024/240
Description: Application to pollard an acacia tree situated within Kirton in Lindsey conservation area.
Site Location: Wickentree House, 2 Queen Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NS
Consultation closes: 28th March 2024
Reference: PA/2024/58
Description: Planning permission to erect a two-storey, two-bedroomed dwelling house with associated external landscaping.
Site Location: Land adjacent Sycamore House, 24 Wesley Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4PE
NLC Decision: Withdrawn
Reference: PA/2024/114
Description: Planning permission to erect a two-storey front and single-storey side extension.
Site Location: Landeck, 1 Station Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BB
NLC Decision 15/03/2024: Householder planning permission
Reference: PA/2024/109
Description: Notice of intention to fell a silver birch tree, identified as 01, within Kirton in Lindsey Conservation Area.
Site Location: Lime House, 4 Queen Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NS
NLC Decision 21/02/2024: Consent to carry out tree works in a conservation area
Reference: PA/2023/1166
Description: AMENDMENT: Amended landscaping scheme and details of the pumping station. AMENDED DESCRIPTION - Alterations to the layout, changes to house types and housing mix, increase in number of dwellings to 90, alterations to materials and boundary treatment and levels plan including finished floor levels. (Original application: Application for approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to outline application PA/2022/588 dated 26/03/2021 for a residential development comprising up to 81 dwellings, open space and associated infrastructure).
Site Location: Land off Ings Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BX
NLC Decision 20/12/2024: Refuse
Reference: PA/2023/1955
Description: Planning permission to erect a single-storey rear extension and replacement of outbuilding and conservatory.
Site Location: 1 Sylvester Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NG
NLC Decision 12/04/2024: Householder planning permission
Reference: PA/2023/1910
Description: Planning permission to erect plots 89 & 92 and amended to suit.
Site Location: Plots 89 & 92, Selby Close, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4FF
NLC Decision 17/01/2024: Full planning permission
Reference: PA/2023/1752
Description: Planning permission to erect a two-storey extension above existing shop to provide three flats, erection of external staircase to side, vehicle parking, cycle parking and bin storage.
Site Location: 11 High Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4LZ
NLC Decision 19/04/2024: Refusal of planning permission
Reference: PA/2023/1673
Description: Application for a non-material amendment of PA/2021/1251 namely to replace French doors with bi-folding doors and remove window from kitchen/diner area.
Site Location: 7 Barley Close, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4FF
NLC Decision 02/11/2023: Non-Material Amendment approval
Reference: PA/2023/1598
Description: Planning permission to vary condition 2 of PA/2016/352 namely to erect a garage to the side of Plot 74b.
Site Location: Plot 74, Barley Close, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4FF
NLC Decision 14/03/2024: Removal/variation of conditions
Reference: PA/2023/1679
Description: Planning permission for new office and warehouse including demolition of existing storage building.
Site Location: TPM Plumbing and Heating Ltd, Station Approach, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BD
NLC Decision 06/02/2024: Full Planning Permission with conditions
Reference: PA/2023/1392
Description: Planning permission to erect a summer house.
Site Location: 13 York Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4PS
NLC Decision 01/11/2023: Householder planning permission granted
Reference: PA/2023/1479
Description: Planning permission to erect a conservatory.
Site Location: 37 Park Hill, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NL
NLC Decision 20/12/2023: Householder planning permission granted
Reference: PA/2023/1339
Description: Advertisement consent for one internally illuminated fascia sign and window vinyls
Site Location: 9 High Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4LZ
NLC Decision 08/03/2024: Consent to display an advertisement
Reference: PA/2023/1273
Description: Application for a non-material amendment following a grant for planning permission under PA/2021/1251 to add a garage to plot 74b and thus alter the boundaries and locations of plots 74a and 74b.
Site Location: Plots 74a and 74b Barley Close, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4FF
NLC Decision: Withdrawn by applicant 26/09/2023
Reference: PA/2023/1136
Description: Listed building consent to install tactile paving along platform edges.
Site Location: Kirton in Lindsey Rail Station, Station Approach, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BD
NLC Decision 20/10/2023: Listed building consent granted
Reference: PA/2022/2001
Description: Planning permission to erect portal frame building for storage of agricultural equipment.
Site Location: Land off B1400, Kirton in Lindsey
NLC Decision 11/03/2024: Refusal of planning permission
Reference: PA/2023/1303
Description: Planning application to erect a single-storey extension to the rear. Extend the front bay and add dormer windows to the rear.
Site Location: 2 North Cliff Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NH
NLC Decision 05/09/2023: Planning permission granted
Reference: PA/2023/1265
Description: Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed larger home extension.
Site Location: 28 Mill Lane, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4DY
NLC Decision 15/08/2023: Prior approval not required
Reference: PA/2023/1069
Description: Planning permission to erect a two-storey extension above existing shop to provide 3 flat, erection of external staircase to side, cycle parking and bin storage.
Site Location: 11 High Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4LZ
NLC Decision: Withdrawn by applicant 26/09/2023
Reference: PA/2023/1040
Description: Planning permission to erect outdoor gym equipment and a steel bench.
Site Location: KLASSIC Field, Ings Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BX
NLC Decision 10/04/2024: Approve with conditions.
Reference: PA/2023/1004
Description: Application to undertake pruning on 2 sycamore trees, identified as T3 & T4, subject to and within Tree Preservation (Kirton in Lindsey) Order 1972.
Site Location: 8a Station Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BB
NLC Decision 01/08/2023: Refusal of consent to cut down or carry out work on trees protected by a tree preservation order
Reference: PA/2023/1003
Description: Planning permission to erect a grain drying silo.
Site Location: Park Farm, 86 South Cliff Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4HU
NLC Decision 21/09/2023: Planning permission granted
Reference: PA/2023/823
Description: Hybrid application consisting of outline planning application of up to 220 dwelling, a building within Class E use with all matters reserved for subsequent approval, and full planning permission of 130 dwellings, 2 points of access, part of the spine road, provision of a pumping station and substation, engineering and ancilliary works, demolition of existing building (with the exception of a listed building) and creation of development platforms throughout the whole site.
Site Location: RAF Kirton in Lindsey, B1400 from B1398 to B1205, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4HZ.
NLC Decision 9/05/2024: Approve with conditions
Reference: PA/2023/1110
Description: Planning permission to erect a conservatory to rear of dwelling.
Site Address: 17 Millers Close, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4FG.
NLC Decision 27/07/2023: Householder planning permission granted
Reference: PA/2023/1112
Description: Planning permission to erect a replacement extension to front and side of dwelling.
Site Address: 56 Lincoln Crescent, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4PZ.
NLC Decision 27/09/2023: Householder planning permission granted
Reference: PA/2023/1103
Description: Planning permission to demolish a wall and create off road parking space to serve existing dwelling.
Site Address: 29 Queen Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NX.
NLC Decision 25/07/2023: Householder planning permission granted
Reference: PA/2023/579
Description: Planning permission to vary conditions 2 and 4 of PA/2020/1362 namely to allow partial dig techniques in place of no-dig foundations in association with the conversion of an outbuilding to form an annex.
Site Address: 4 George Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NA.
NLC Decision 01/08/2023: Permission for removal/variation of conditions
Reference: PA/2023/668
Description: Planning permission to install a motor control centre (MCC) kiosk.
Site Address: Sewage Works, Moat House Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4DD.
NLC Decision 29/06/2023: Full Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2023/339
Description: Notice of intention to fell 4 groups of multi-stem sycamore trees, within Kirton in Lindsey's Conservation Area.
Site Address: Office and Premise, South Cliff Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NP.
NLC Decision 12/04/2023: Consent to carry out tree works in a conservation area
Reference: PA/2023/302
Description: Planning permission to install a dropped kerb.
Site Address: 40 South Cliff Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4DX
NLC Decision 26/04/2023: Full Planning Permission.
Reference: PA/2022/2126
Description: Planning permission to create one unit by merging two units.
Site Address: Plot 75 Windmill Development, Spa Hill, Kirton in Lindsey
NLC Decision 30/03/2023: Full Planning Permission.
Reference: PA/2022/2234
Description: Notice of intention to pollard four Lombardy poplar trees with Kirton in Lindsey's conservation area.
Site Address: The Priory, 31 Queen Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NX
NLC Decision 26/01/2023: Consent to carry out tree works in a conservation area.
Reference: PA/2022/1997
Description: Planning permission to demolish existing indoor manege and rebuild in advancement paddock next to the outdoor arena.
Site Address: Manege Building, South Cliff Road, West of former RAF Kirton in Lindsey
NLC Decision 02/12/2024: Full Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2022/1999
Description: Planning permission to erect portal frame building for storage of agricultural equipment.
Site Address: Land off B1205, south of Kirton in Lindsey
NLC Decision 11/03/2024: Refusal of planning permission
Reference: PA/2022/1881
Description: Notification for prior approval for a proposed larger home extension
Site Address: 23 Woodpecker Way, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4FD
NLC Decision 25/11/2022: Prior approval is not required.
Reference: PA/2022/1832
Description: Apllication for a non-material amendment to PA/2016/352 namely to omit one dwelling and build a single L-shaped dwelling on Plot 75 only.
Site Address: Plot 75, Barley Close, Kirton in Lindsey.
NLC Decision 07/12/2022: Withdrawn by applicant.
Reference: PA/2022/1669
Description: Planning permission for garage conversion and to erect single-storey in fill front extension.
Site Address: 11 South Dale Close, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BS.
NLC Decision 13/02/2023: Full Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2022/1724
Description: Planning permission for a change of use to a takeaway coffee/sandwich shop and internal alterations and replacement frontage.
Site Address: Office and Premise, South Cliff Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NP.
NLC Decision 13/01/2023: Full Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2022/1662
Description: Variation of condition No. 2 (approved plans) of planning permission ref: PA/2022/1184 to allow for change of materials used and window colour.
Site Address: 22 Grayingham Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4EL.
NLC Decision 09/11/2022: Full Planning Permission.
Reference: PA/2022/1574
Description: Planning permission to erect a three-bedroomed detached dormer-type dwelling.
Site Address: Ashlyn, Grayingham Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4EL.
NLC Decision 20/01/2022: Full Planning Permission.
Reference: PA/2022/1521
Description: Application for approval of reserved matters (appearance, scale, layout and landscaping) pursuant to outline application PA/2022/362 dated 21/06/2021 for 3 dwellings.
Site Address: 2a North Cliff Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NH.
NLC Decision 28/10/2022: Approval of reserved matters.
Reference: PA/2022/1504
Description: Notice of intention to fell a sycamore and prune a privet hedge, both within Kirton in Lindsey's Conservation Area.
Site Address: 6 Wesley Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4PB.
NLC Decision 17/07/2022: Consent to carry out works to trees in a conservation area.
Reference: PA/2022/1408
Description: Outline planning permission for a residential development of up to 28 dwellings with appearance, landscaping, layout and scale reserved for subsequent consideration.
Site Address: land rear of Southdown House, Grayingham Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4EL.
NLC Decision 03/11/2022: Refusal of planning permission.
Appeal Start Date 08/02/2023 - HM Inspectorate Decision - 17/07/2023: Appeal Allowed
PA/2022/1408 | North Lincolnshire Planning Portal (
Reference: PA/2022/1387
Description: Notice of intention to fell 5 leylandii trees, situated within Kirton in Lindsey's Conservation Area.
Site Address: 23 Queen Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NX.
NLC Decision 22/08/2022: Consent to carry out works to trees in a conservation area.
PA/2022/1387 | North Lincolnshire Planning Portal (
Reference: PA/2022/1388
Description: Notification of intention to fell a sycamore & apple tree, and crown lift a sycamore tree all within Kirton in Lindsey's Conservation Area.
Site Address: 12 High Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4LU.
NLC Decision 22/08/2022: Consent to carry out works to trees in a conservation area.
PA/2022/1388 | North Lincolnshire Planning Portal (
Reference: PA/2022/1104
Description: Planning permission to remove front boundary wall to create a new vehicular access with dropped kerb.
Site Address: 19 Dunstan Hill, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4DJ.
NLC Decision: 25/08/2022: Full Planning Permission.
Reference: PA/2022/1184
Description: Planning permission to erect a two-storey and single-storey side extension.
Site Address: 22 Grayingham Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4EL
NLC Decision 24/08/2022: Full Planning Permission.
Reference: PA/2022/1134
Description: Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed agricultural machine and grain store.
Site Address: Land off B1205 along county boundary south of Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4JB
NLC Decision 25/07/2022: Refusal.
Reference: PA/2022/1083
Description: Listed building consent to install security doors to the doorway, install mesh to the windows and arrow slits, the clearing of debris and general internal and external brickwork repairs.
Site Address: Kirton Railway Tunnel Entrance, Station Approach, Kirton in Lindsey.
NLC Decision 27/07/2022: Listed Building Consent.
Reference: PA/2022/1067
Description: Application for a non-material amendment to PA/2016/1709 in order to re-position bedroom one window from rear to side and slightly increase the width of bathroom and bedroom three windows.
Site Address: 1 Paddock Lane, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4FA
NLC Decision 06/06/2022 - Approve - Non-mateiral amendment
Reference: PA/2022/960
Description: Application to vary condition 2 of PA/2019/493 to allow for external wall replacement and to fit roof windows and folding door unit.
Site Address: Barn, Moat House Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4DD.
NLC Decision 10/08/2022: Full Planning Permission.
Reference: PA/2022/949
Description: Listed building consent to restore two prison doors and display within the Town Hall.
Site Address: Town Hall, 7 High Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4LZ.
NLC Decision 14/07/2022: Listed Building Consent
Reference: PA/2022/865
Description: Application to undertake pruning on an ash tree, within and protected by Area 1 of the Tree Preservation (Kirton in Lindsey) Order 1972.
Site Address: rear of 53 Beechcroft Drive, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4EF.
NLC Decision 13/06/2022: Consent to cut down or carry out work on trees protected by a tree preservation order
Reference: PA/2022/764
Description: Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension to existing dwelling.
Site Address: 21 Dunstan Hill, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4DJ.
NLC Decision 13/06/2022: Full Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2022/554
Description: Planning permission to install hardcore for temporary storage containers.
Site Address: Former RAF Kirton in Lindsey, B1400 from B1398 to B1205, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4HZ.
Consultation Closes: 13th May 2022
Reference: PA/2022/581
Description: Planning permission to erect single-storey extensions to the side and rear, comprising a utility room with a shower and sink and a sunroom with a balcony above.
Site Address: Holly Barn, Nebraska Farm, Ings Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BX.
NLC Decision 09/06/2022: Full Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2022/292
Description: Planning permission to erect single-storey rear extension.
Site Address: 5 Millennium Cottages, Ings Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4GU.
NLC Decision 13/05/2022: Full Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2022/575
Description: Planning permission to erect single-storey extensions and associated alterations.
Site Address: 16 East Cross Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4EA.
NLC Decision 31/05/2022: Full Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2022/579
Description: Planning permission to erect a two-bay oak-framed double garage with adjoining storage buildings.
Site Address: Nebraska Farm, Ings Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BX.
NLC Decision 07/07/2022: Full Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2022/501
Description: Advertisement consent to display vinyl wrapping image to a roller shutter.
Site Address: Kirton in Lindsey Fire Station, 6 West Cross Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4DN.
NLC Decision 05/05/2022: Grant of consent for the display of advertisements.
Reference: PA/2022/395
Description: Outline planning permission to erect 60 dwellings and access, with all matters other than means of access reserved.
Site Address: Jack Tighe Ltd, Redbourne Mere, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NW.
NLC Decision 29/03/2023: Outline planning with conditions
Reference: PA/2022/347
Description: Planning permission to erect a single-storey rear extension.
Site Address: George Hotel, Flat 20, High Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4LX.
NLC Decision 14/04/2022: Full Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2022/430
Description: Planning permission to install a new dormer roof to the rear and make internal alterations to the dwelling, and to replace the exisitng garden outbuilding.
Site Address: 1 Cornwall Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4PP.
NLC Decision 24/05/2022: Full Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2022/355
Description: Listed building consent to install a multi-fuel log burner in living room and a twin-wall external flue.
Site Address: 4 Lime House, Queen Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BT.
NLC Decision 21/04/2022: Listed building consent.
Reference: PA/2022/101
Description: Planning permission to erect a single storey extension, a front porch and raise roof height to accomodate loft conversion.
Site Address: 9 Church Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BT.
NLC Decision 09/03/2022: Full Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2021/2170
Description: Application to undertake various pruning of 2 sycamore trees, identified as T3 and T3, subject to and within Tree Preservation (Kirton in Lindsey) Order 1972.
Site Address: 8a Station Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BB.
NLC Decision 01/03/2022: Refusal of consent to cut down or carry out work on trees protected by a tree preservation order.
Reference: PA/2022/17
Description: Planning permission to erect a single-storey front extension, elevational treatment at interface and forecourt paving.
Site Address: 12 Richdale Avenue, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BL.
NLC Decision 16/02/2022 - Full Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2021/2154
Description: Application to fell a copper beech identified as T1, subject to and within Tree Preservation (14 Ings Road, Kirton in Lindsey) Order 2003.
Site Address: 14 Beechwood, Ings Road, Kirton in Lindsey. DN21 4BU.
NLC Decision 17/01/2022 - Refused
Reference: PA/2021/1251
Description: Planning permission to erect 6 dwellings.
Site Address: Plots 76, 77a, 77b, 78a, 78b and 78c Barley Close, Windmill Way, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4FE.
NLC Decision 03/11/2022: Full Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2021/1989
Description: Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed larger home extension.
Site Address: 26 Mill Lane, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4DY.
NLC Decision 13/12/2021: No prior approval required
Reference: PA/2021/1799
Description: Planning permission to replace front door.
Site Address: former chapel adjacent 1 St Andrew's Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4PJ.
NLC Decision 03/12/2021: Full Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2021/1763
Description: Outline planning to erect detached dwelling.
Site Address: land adjacent to 22 York Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4PS.
NLC Decision 17/12/2021: Outline Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2021/1788
Description: Outline planning permission to erect up to 28 dwellings & access, with all matters other than means of access reserved.
Site Address: land rear of Southdown House, Grayingham Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4EL.
NLC Decision 05/05/2022: Refusal of Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2021/1343
Description: Planning permission for change of use of coach house to family annex.
Site Address: 12 High Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4LU
NLC Decision 22/11/2021: Full Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2021/1489
Description: Planning permission to erect single-storey extensions to the side and rear of the dwelling, to erect a new porch to the front, and to erect an extension and make alterations to the existing outbuildings to form a garage.
Site Address: 20 Queen Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NX
NLC Decision 13/10/2021: Full Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2021/1237
Description: Planning permission to erect a single-storey rear extension and a boundary wall.
Site Address: 9 Millstone Close, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4FH
NLC Decision 26/08/2021: Full Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2021/1230
Description: Planning permission to convert an existing garage to a residential dwelling including roof lift, infill extensions, highways access, boundary treatments and landscaping.
Site Address: land adjacent to 35 South Cliff Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NR
NLC Decision 30/09/2021: Full Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2021/1183
Description: Planning permission to develop a 47no. space car park including EV charging points, gated access and habitat enhancement measures.
Site Address: land off South Cliff Road, Kirton in Lindsey
NLC Decision 09/12/2021: Full Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2021/1156
Description: Notice of intention to crown reduce a sycamore, situated within Kirton in Lindsey's conservation area.
Site Address: Burton Hall, Queen Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NS
NLC Decision 03/08/2021: No tree preservation order made, works approved
Reference: PA/2021/1068
Description: Listed building consent to carry out works including stabilising brick walls; repairs to the dormer window; damp-proofing to the south, east and north walls; carry out repairs to the roof and chimney of the outbuilding; replace windows to the north elevation with like for like single glazing timber windows; install new staircase and door with associated alterations at first floor level; replace front and rear doors and replace wooden garden gates.
Site Address: Lime House, 4 Queen Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NS
NLC Decision 23/08/2021: Listed Building Consent Granted
Reference: PA/2021/1073
Description: Application for the determination of the requirement for prior approval for the installation of a 20m phase 8 monopole, c/w wraparound cabinet at base and associated ancillary works.
Site Address: grass verge, Redbourne Mere, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NW
Decision: WITHDRAWN 19/07/2021
Reference: PA/2021/1158
Description: Notice of intention to undertake a crown reduction on a cherry tree, situated within Kirton in Lindsey's conservation area.
Site Address: 1 Duck Lane, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4LX
NLC Decision 29/07/2021: No tree preservation order made, works approved.
Reference: PA/2020/826
Description: Notice of intention to fell a tree within Kirton in Lindsey's Conservation Area.
Site Address: 2 Wickentree House, Queen Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NS
NLC Decision 06/07/2021: No tree preservation order made, works approved
Reference: PA/2021/851
Description: Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed 20m phase 8 monopole c/w wraparound cabinet at base and associated ancillary works.
Site Address: SW at Redbourne Mere, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NW
NLC Desision 01/07/2021: Prior approval not required.
Reference: PA/2021/821
Description: Application for approval of reserved matters persuant to outline application PA/2016/337 dated 22/09/2012 for residential development of 27 dwellings.
Site Address: Gleadells Mill, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BD
Decision: WITHDRAWN 21/10/2021.
Reference: PA/2021/891
Description: Planning permission to erect 9 dwellings with landscaping & access.
Site Address: land rear of 9-11 Torksey Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4PW
NLC Decision 08/02/2024: Refusal of planning permission.
Reference: PA/2021/636
Description: Planning permission for change of use of shop to ancillary domestic accomodation (including basement from mixed domestic and commercial storage to ancillary domestic storage).
Site Address: 24 High Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4LX
NLC Decision 30/07/2021: Full planning permission
Reference: PA/2021/841
Description: Planning permission to erect a single-storey extension to form bedroom accomodation and facilities including access for a disabled person.
Site Address: 2 Duck Lane, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4LX
NLC Decision 13/07/2021: Full planning permission
Reference: PA/2021/783
Description: Notice of intention to undertaking pruning on one beech and two sycamore trees, and fell a holly, all within Kirton in Lindsey's conservation area.
Site Address: Dunstan House, 32 South Cliff Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NR
NLC Decision 08/06/2021: No tree preservation order made, works approved
Reference: PA/2021/619
Description: Planning application to vary condition 2 of PA/2017/389 namely to re-organise plots 1, 89, 90 and 91.
Site Address: land off Station Road, Kirton in Lindsey
NLC Decision 22/10/2021: Full Planning permission
Reference: PA/2021/774
Description: Application for determination of the requirement for prior approval of a household extension
Site Address: 12 Grayingham Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4EL
NLC Decision 03/06/2021: Prior approval not required.
Reference: PA/2021/492
Description: Outline planning permission to erect a dwelling with all matters reserved for subsequent consideration
Site Address: land to the rear of Stoney Ridge, 6 Dunstan Hill, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4DU
NLC Decision: 18/06/2021: Outline planning permission
Reference: PA/2021/248
Description: Planning permission to erect pair of semi-detached dwellings
Site Address: land between 12-14, Mill Lane, Kirton in Lindsey
NLC Decision 09/07/2021: Full Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2021/362
Description: Outline planning permission for three dwellings with appearance, landscaping, layout and scale reserved for subsequent consideration, and alteration to transition/drop kerb.
Site Address: land rear of 2, 2A & 4 North Cliff Road, Kirton in Lindsey
NLC Decision 04/06/2021: Outline planning permission
Reference: PA/2021/307
Description: Planning permission to replace four windows and door to front elevation.
Site Address: 1 George Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NA
NLC Decision 14/10/2021: Refusal of planning permission
Appeal Decision 08/02/2022: Appeal dismissed
Reference: PA/2021/255
Description: Planning permission to erect a detached dormer bungalow with single storey side extension and attached covered open bay garage.
Site Address: land adjoining and rear of 12 Mill Lane, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4DY
NLC Decision 02/07/2021: Full Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2021/221
Description: Planning permission to install a dropped kerb.
Site Address: 1 Lowfield Close, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4RD
NLC Decision 30/04/2021: Full Planning Permission.
Reference: PA/2021/358
Description: Planning permission to erect a single-storey rear extension and to make alterations to provide additional accomodation.
Site Address: 21 Mill Lane, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4DY
NLC Decision 30/04/2021: Full Planning Permission.
Reference: PA/2021/222
Description: Planning permission to provide tarmac hard standing to the front of the property.
Site Address: 28 Cornwall Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4EH
NLC Decision 27/04/2021: Full Planning Permission.
Reference: PA/2021/266
Description: Notice of intention to prune a cherry plum, two conifers and a cherry within Kirton in Lindsey's conservation area.
Site Address: 23 South Cliff Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NP
NLC Decision 30/03/2021: No tree preservation order made, works approved.
Reference: PA/2021/151
Description: Planning permission to erect single storey front and rear extensions.
Site Address: Kenilworth, Cornwall Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4EH
NLC Decision 23/04/2021: Full Planning Permission.
Reference: PA/2021/60
Description: Application for the determination of the requirement for prior approval for a proposed change of use of an agricultural building to a dwellinghouse (Class 3).
Site Address: Holly Barn, Nebraska Farm, Ings Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BX
NLC Decision 19/03/2021: Prior approval not required.
Reference: PA/2020/1967
Description: Planning permission for the siting of a temporary dwelling in connection with an equestrian business.
Site Address: land off Ings Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BX
NLC Decision 02/07/2021: Full Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2020/1869
Description: Planning permission for the change of use and associated works for the conversion of the first floor and ground floor entrances of 13 High Street from retail (E(a)) to residential (C3) to provide 6 no. one bedroom flats.
Site Address: 13 High Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4LZ
NLC Decision 26/02/2021: Full Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2020/1844
Description: Planning application to vary condition 5 of PA/2003/0878 to allow the business to operate 7am to 6pm Monday to Saturday.
Site Address: Happy Days Nursery, 13 Grove Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BY
NLC Decision 02/02/2021: Full Planning Permission
PA/2020/1844 | North Lincolnshire Planning Portal (
Reference: PA/2020/1821
Description: Planning permission for alterations to existing outbuilding to provide additional accomodation.
Site Address: 6 Spa Hill, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NE
NLC Decision 04/02/2021: Full Planning Permission
PA/2020/1821 | North Lincolnshire Planning Portal (
Reference: PA/2020/1347
Description: Planning permission to replace brickwork and repoint limestone mortar, replace chimney pot and roof tiles and erect a replacement gate.
Site Address: 33 Torksey Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4PW
NLC Decision 07/01/2021: Full Planning Permission
PA/2020/1347 | North Lincolnshire Planning Portal (
Reference: PA/2020/1809
Description: Planning permission to erect steel extension to exisiting brick garage.
Site Address: 10A Station Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BB
NLC Decision: 17/12/2020: Full planning permission with conditions
Reference: PA/2020/1839
Description: Application under the Overhead Lines (Exemption) (England & Wales) Regulations 2009 to re-position two double pole support on a 33kV overhead electric line and attach four stay wires to one double pole structure.
Site Address: Station Road, Kirton in Lindsey
NLC Decision 11/12/2020: No formal comments to make.
Reference: PA/2020/1800
Description: Application to fell five stem sycamore group within and subject to Tree Preservation (Kirton in Lindsey) Order 1971
Site Address: Beechcroft Drive, Kirton in Lindsey
NLC Decision 17/12/2020: Consent to cut down or carry out work on trees protected by a tree preservation order.
Reference: PA/2020/1684
Description: Planning permission to erect two-storey home office and recreational facility.
Site Address: 21 Moat House Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4DD
NLC Decision 02/02/2021: Full Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2020/1649
Description: Application to undertake various pruning on a copper beech tree, identified as T1 within and subject to Tree Preservation (Garden, HSBC Bank, George Street, Kirton in Lindsey) Order 2001.
Site Address: 4 George Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4QD
NLC Decision 04/12/2020: Consent to cut down or carry out work on trees protected by a tree preservation order.
Reference: PA/2020/1394
Description: Notice of intention to fell a conifer and a cherry tree within Kirton in Lindsey's conservation area
Site Address: 1 Old School Yard, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4QD
NLC Decision: 11/11/2020: Consent to carry out works: No tree preservation order made
Reference: PA/2020/1558
Description: Application to undertake pruning on an Ash tree identified as T1 within and subject to Tree Preservation (Kirton in Lindsey) Order 1972.
Site Address: 16 Station Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BB
NLC Decision: 23/11/2020: Consent to cut down or carry out works on trees protected by a tree preservation order
Reference: PA/2020/1549
Description: Notice of intention to fell a tree, situated within the Kirton in Lindsey's Conservation Area.
Site Address: 15 Burton Hall, Queen Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NS
NLC Decision 21/10/2020 - Tree Preservation Order made
Reference: PA/2020/1466
Description: Notice of intention to prune a Beech and Holly tree, both within Kirton in Lindsey's Conservation Area.
Site Address: 19 Church View, St Andrew's Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4PJ
NLC Decision 29/10/2020 - Consent to carry out works to trees in conservation area
Reference: PA/2020/1362
Description: Planning permission to convert existing outbuilding to form annex associated with number 4 George Street as well as works to the roof of the main dwelling. NEW DOCUMENT - Pre-Development Impact Assessment & Tree Report - AMENDED PLAN - Site Location & Block Plans notified 16th November.
Site Address: 4 George Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NA
NLC Decision 17/06/2021 - Full Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2020/1332
Description: Listed building consent to repair and replace windows
Site Address: 3 Yew Tree Cottage, East Cross Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4DT
NLC Decision 08/01/2021: Listed building consent
Reference: PA/2020/1323
Description: Notice of intention to fell an ash and buddleja and prune four other trees, all within Kirton in Lindsey's Conversation Area
Site Address: 33 Torksey Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4PW
NLC Decision 18/09/2020: Consent to carry out works - trees in conservation area
Reference: PA/2020/1217
Description: Application to fell 3 Ash and 5 Sycamore, all within A1 and protected by Tree Preservation (Kirton in Lindsey) Order 1972
Site Address: Beechcroft Drive, Kirton in Lindsey
NLC Decision 15/10/2020: - Split Decision:
1. Consent to cut down or carry out work on trees protected by a tree preservation order for application to fell 3 Ash trees all within A1 and protected by Tree Preservation (Kirton in Lindsey) Order 1972 at Beechcroft Drive, Kirton in Lindsey.
2. Refusal of consent to cut down or carry out work on trees protected by a tree preservation order for application to fell 5 Sycamore, all within A1 and protected by Tree Preservation (Kirton in Lindsey) Order 1972 at Beechcroft Drive, Kirton in Lindsey.
Reference: PA/2020/1047
Description: Application to undertake a crown reduction on a copper beech, identified as T1 in and subject to Tree Preservation (Garden, HSBC Bank, George Street, Kirton in Lindsey) Order 2001
Site Address: 4 George Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NA
NLC Decision 28/09/2020: Refusal of Consent to cut down or carry out work on trees protected by a Tree Preservation Order
Reference: PA/2020/1081
Description: Notice of intention to undertake pruning of a tree, situated within the Kirton in Lindsey Conservation Area
Site Address: 15 March Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4PL
NLC Decision 21/08/2020: Consent to carry out works - no tree preservation order made
Reference: PA/2020/1149
Description: Planning permission to extend raised patio area, re-locate steps and install safety balustrade and to replace kitchen window with bi-fold doors to rear of dwelling.
Site Address: 23 Windmill Way, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4FE
NLC Decision 21/08/2020: Full Planning Permission with Conditions
Reference: PA/2020/1245
Description: Application for determination of the requirement for prior approval of a household extension
Ste Address: 20 Grayingham Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4EL
NLC Decision 11/09/2020: Householder Prior Approval Not Required
Reference: PA/2020/1238
Description: Planning permission to remove condition 4 of 7/441/86 to allow unrestricted occupation of the dwelling
Ste Address: Westfield, Gainsborough Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4EN
NLC Decision 29/10/2020: Outline Planning Permission granted
Reference: PA/2020/1000
Description: Application to undertaking pruning works on an Ash, identified at T1 within and protected by Tree Preservation (Kirton in Lindsey) Order 1972
Ste Address: 18 Station Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BB
NLC Decision 21/08/2020: Consent to cut down or carry out works on trees protected by a tree preservation order
Reference: PA/2020/798
Description: Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for an existing use as a dwelling without complying with agricultural occupancy condition of 7/441/86
Site Address: Westfield, Gainsborough Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4EN
NLC Decision 09/07/2020: Certificate of Lawfulness (exisiting use or development) granted
Reference: PA/2020/648
Description: Notice of intention to undertake various pruning works on six trees within Kirton in Lindsey's conservation area
Site Address: The Green, King Edward Street, Kirton in Lindsey
NLC Decision 13/05/2020: Consent to carry out works - trees in Cons. Area
Reference: PA/2020/588
Description: Outline planning permission for residential development, open space and associated infrastructure (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale reserved for subsequent consideration) [AMENDMENTS - revised indicative layout, Hedgerow Impact Plan, Ings Road hedgerows, Ecology Assessment of Ings Road Hedgerows, Phase 1 Habitat Survey 2018, and Noise Assessment with Appendix B reformatted]
Site Address: Land north of Ings Road, Kirton in Lindsey
NLC Decision 28/08/2020: Refusal of planning permission
Appeal submitted by applicant - 18/11/2020 - HM Inspectorate Decision - 26/03/2021: Appeal Allowed
Reference: PA/2020/442
Description: Planning permission to erect statue with brick plinth
Site Address: amenity land off Train Gate, Kirton in Lindsey
NLC Decision 05/05/2020: Full Planning Permission with conditions
Reference: PA/2020/444
Description: Planning permission to change use of storage rooms to nursery, erect porch and convert house to ancillary rooms
Site Address: 39 North Cliff Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NJ
NLC Decision 12/06/2020: Full Planning Permission with conditions
Reference: PA/2020/439
Description: Application for prior notification for a proposed change of use of an agricultural building to dwellinghouse (Use Class C3)
Site Address: barn in field north of Ings Road, Kirton in Lindsey
NLC Decision 12/05/2020: C/u agric bldg to dwelling - prior app refused
Reference: PA/2019/2097
Description: Notice of intention to fell a cherry tree, situated within Kirton Lindsey conservation area
Site Address: 1a St Andrew's Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4PJ
NLC Decision 03/02/2020: Approval for works to trees in a conservation area
Reference: PA/2019/1784
Description: Planning permission to change use of dwelling to day nursey
Site Address: 39 North Cliff Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NJ
NLC Decision 16/03/2020: Withdrawn
Reference: PA/2019/1609
Description: Outline planning permission to erect up to 12 dwellings with all matters reserved for subsequent approval.
Site Address: land south west of 7a Grayingham Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4EL
NLC Decision 06/01/2020: Refusal
Appeal submitted by applicant - Inspectorate Decision 29/10/2020: Appeal dismissed.
Reference: PA/2019/1605
Description: Planning permission to relocate a solar photo voltaic array including associated works
Site Address: Whitehoe Farm 1, Gainsborough Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4EN
NLC Decision 25/11/2019: Full Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2019/1601
Description: Notice of intention to gell a holly tree and crown lift an oak tree within Kirton in Lindsey's conservations area.
Site Address: GP Surgery, 35 Traingate, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4PQ
NLC Decision 05/11/2019: Approval for works to trees in a conservation area
Reference: PA/2019/1599
Description: Application to undertake a crown lift on a horse chestnut with G1 and subject to Tree Preservation (Kirton in Lindsey) Order 1971.
Site Address: 33 Traingate, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4PQ
NLC Decision 07/11/2019: Consent to cut down or carry out work on trees protected by a tree preservation order
Reference: PA/2019/1356
Description: Planning Permission to amend house types on plots 83, 84, 90 & 91, amend boundary treatments and update elevations.
Site Address: Plots 83, 84, 91 & 91, land off Station Road, Kirton in Lindsey
NLC Decision 19/12/2019: Full Planning Permission with conditions
Reference: PA/2019/1485
Description: Hedgerow removal notice to remove 112 metres of hedge situated approximately 150 metres west-northwest of Bell Farm, Gainsborough Road, Kirton in Lindsey easting 492154 northing 397385.
Site Address: Bell Farm, Gainsborough Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4EN
NLC Decision 01/10/2019: Approval for works to trees in a conservation area
Reference: PA/2019/1463
Description: Notice of intention to fell a group of maple trees situated within Kirton in Lindsey's conservation area.
Site Address: 10 March Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4PH
NLC Decision 05/11/2019: Approval for works to trees in a conservation area
Reference: PA/2019/1295
Description: Application for determination of the requirement for prior approval for a single-storey rear extension.
Site Address: 6 Fairfields, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4GA
Comments by: 3rd September 2019
NLC Decision: 03/03/2020: Prior approval not required.
Reference: PA/2019/1256
Description: Notice of intention to fell a holly tree and undertake various pruning on a cherry plum, sycamore and Gleditisia within Kirton in Lindsey's conservation area.
Site Address: The Long Room, Cornwall Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4PP
NLC Decision 09/09/2019: Approval of Works to Trees in a Conservation Area
Reference: PA/2019/1112
Description: Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for use of the land for the siting of a mobile home for use ancillary to the main dwelling.
Site Address: 8 Endell Drive, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4GB
NLC Decision 13/08/2019: Withdrawn
Reference: PA/2019/1111
Description: Planning permission to site a single-storey annex as a separate unit of living accomodation
Site Address: 8 Endell Drive, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4GB
NLC Decision 13/08/2019: Withdrawn
Reference: PA/2019/1170
Description: Planning permission to erect a garage and workshop with storage above (including demolition of exisitng portal-framed workshop and storage building)
Site Address: Rose Cottage, Gainsborough Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4EN
NLC Decision 02/09/2019: Full Planning Permission without conditions
Reference: PA/2019/950
Description: Planning permission to retain an equine exercise area
Site Address: Church View Farm, Grayingham Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4EP
NLC Decision 24/07/2019: Full Planning Permission without conditions
Reference: PA/2019/806
Description: Planning permission to erect a single-storey rear extension
Site Address: 5 Station Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BB
NLC Decision 11/07/2019: Full Planning Permission with conditions
Reference: PA/2019/641
Description: Planning permission to retain amended siting of the dwelling (formerly plot 73) previously approved under PA/1999/0920).
Site Address: 16 Barley Close, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4FF
NLC Decision 21/06/2019: Full Planning Permission with conditions
Reference: PA/2019/701
Description: Planning permission for the demolition of a rear conservatory and side balcony, and to erect a two storey rear extension with a single storey walk in balcony to the side with roof terrace above (resubmission of PA/2018/1733).
Site Address: Lautrec, Grayingham Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4EL
NLC Decision 06/06/2019: Full Planning Permission with conditions
Reference: PA/2018/2306
Description: Planning permission to erect a two-storey extension and alterations to form one dwelling.
Site Address: Cosy Cottage, 2 March Lane, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NY
NLC Decision 03/05/2019: Full Planning Permission with conditions
Reference: PA/2019/472
Description: Planning permission for change of use of barn to residential dwellinghouse
Site Address: The Elms, 33 Moat House Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4DD
NLC Decision 25/11/2020: Full Planning Permission with conditions
PA/2019/493 | North Lincolnshire Planning Portal (
Reference: PA/2019/472
Description: Planning permission to erect a two-storey and single-storey rear extension.
Site Address: 34 Dunstan Villas, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4PF
NLC Decision 08/05/2019: Full Planning Permission with conditions
Reference: PA/2019/424
Description: Planning permission to erect single storey side and rear extension.
Site Address: 16 Torksey Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4DA
NLC Decision 18/04/2019: Full Planning Permission with conditions
Reference: PA/2019/241
Description: Planning permission to construct an equine exercise area.
Site Address: Church View Farm, Grayingham Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4EP
NLC Decision 05/04/2019: Full Planning Permission with conditions
Reference: PA/2019/242
Description: Planning permission for a single-storey rear extension and two-storey side extension.
Site Address: 10 Mill Lane, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4DY
NLC Decision 01/04/2019: Full Planning Permission with conditions
Reference: PA/2018/2472
Description: AMENDED PLANS - Planning permission to erect a two-storey side extension to dwelling.
Site Address: 26 Richdale Avenue, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BL
NLC Decision 08/03/2019: Full Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2019/220
Description: Application for approval of reserved matters pursuant to outline planning application PA/2017/1410 for the erection of two dwellings with associated parking and amenity space.
Site Address: 9a Darwin Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BZ
NLC Decision: 05/03/2019: Approval of reserved matters - namely the layout, scale and appearance, means access to and landscaping with Conditions
Reference: PA/2019/213
Description: Planning permission to erect single-storey rear & first floor side and front extension.
Site Address: 3 Station Road, Kirton In Lindsey, DN21 4BB
NLC Decision 04/04/2019: Full Planning Permission with conditions
Reference: PA/2019/105
Description: Planning permission to erect single storey welfare building.
Site Address: Cliff Farm, Redbourne Mere, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4LE
NLC Decision 26/03/2019: Full Planning Permission with conditions
Reference: PA/2019/43
Description: Planning permission to erect single storey side rear and front extensions
Site Address: Greenacres, South Cliff Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4HX
NLC Decision 04/03/2019: Full Planning Permission with conditions
Reference: PA/2018/2514
Description: Planning permission for a minor material amendment to PA/2018/1050 to vary the approved plans under condition 2 in order to raise the floor levels of plots 3, 4 & 5 by 375mm.
Site Address: Bowling Green, Station Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BB
NLC Decision 24/04/2019: Full Planning Permission with conditions
Reference: PA/2018/2472
Description: Planning permission to erect a two-storey side extension to dwelling.
Site Address: 26 Richdale Avenue, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BL
NLC Decision 08/03/2019: Full Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2018/2388
Description: Notice of intention to undertake a crown reduction on a coniferous tree, situated within the Kirton in Lindsey Conservation Area.
Site Address: 30 High Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4LX
NLC Decision 17/01/2019: Full Planning Permission with conditions
Reference: PA/2018/2381
Description: Planning permission for a two-storey side extension.
Site Address: 5 Lane End, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4EE
NLC Decision 06/03/2019: Full Planning Permission with conditions
Reference: PA/2018/2345
Description: Application to vary conditions 2 & 15 of PA/2017/511 (for the erection of 16 affordable dwellings) namely to (condition 2) amend site layout for amended access road layout, amended parking bays, new patios, removal of permeable paving, installation of new windows and (condition 15) to increase discharge from the site to 5 litres/second at any time.
Site Address: Land Adjacent Maple Lea, Gainsborough Road, Kirton in Lindsey
NLC Decision 20/02/2019: Full Planning Permission with conditions
Reference: PA/2018/2331
Description: Planning permission to erect a first-floor extension over existing and a new single-storey rear extension.
Site Address: Holmlea, 4 Torksey Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4DA
NLC Decision 04/01/2019: Full Planning Permission with conditions
Reference: PA/2018/2187
Description: Planning permission for change of use from mixed use (public house and residential) to sole residential use.
Site Address: Royal Oak Inn, 8 Church Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4PN
NLC Decision 17/12/2018: Full Planning Permission with conditions
Reference: PA/2018/2197
Description: Planning permission to erect a single-storey rear extension.
Site Address: 10B Station Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BB
NLC Decision 17/12/2018: Full Planning Permission with conditions
Reference: PA/2018/2082
Description: Planning permission to erect a single storey rear extension.
Site Address: 4 Dunstan Hill, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4DU
NLC Decision 11/12/2018: Full Planning Permission
Reference: PA/2018/1943
Description: Planning permission for a minor material amendment to PA/2016/967 to change approved cladding.
Site Address: 4A March Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4PH
NLC Decision 27/11/2018: Full Planning Permission with conditions
Reference: PA/2018/1880
Description: Modification of planning obligations attached to PA/2016/1704 to remove Clause 13 - Costs
Site Address: Former site of 26 Beechcroft, Station Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BD
NLC Decision 27/11/2018: Modification agreed
Reference: PA/2018/1733
Description: Planning permission for the demolition of a rear conservatory and side balcony, and to erect a two storey rear extension with a single storey walk in balcony to the side with roof terrace above.
Site Address: Lautrec, Grayingham Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4EL
NLC Decision 24/10/2018: Full Planning Permission with conditions
Reference: PA/2018/1752
Description: Planning permission to erect single storey rear extension (including demolition of existing conservatory).
Site Address: 17 Fairfields, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4GA
NLC Decision 12/10/2018: Full Planning Permission with conditions
Reference: PA/2018/1574
Description: Planning permission to erect a single storey side extension and roof lift to facilitate loft conversion.
Site Address: 10a Station Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BB
NLC Decision 08/10/2018: Full Planning Permission with conditions
Reference: PA/2018/1519
Description: Notice of intention to undertake pruning on 12 lime trees within Kirton in Lindsey's conservation area.
Site Address:The Green, King Edward Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NQ
NLC Decision 03/10/2018: Consent to carry out works - trees in Conservation Area
Reference: PA/2018/1366
Description: Planning permission to erect a single storey extension to the rear.
Site Address: 27 Woodpecker Way, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4FD
NLC Decision 27/09/2018: Full Planning Permission with conditions
Reference: PA/2018/1131
Description: Application under the Overhead Lines (Exemption) (England & Wales) Regulations 2009 for the proposed rebuilding of Santon to Hibaldstow 33Kv overhead line.
Site Address: Santon, Appleby, Broughton, Messingham, Manton and Kirton parishes
NLC Decision 03/08/2018: Overhead lines - No objection
Your views are requested upon the above proposal. It is NOT a planning application, as the applicant already has the right to carry out the development, but there is a requirement to notify the council in case there is a need to approve any details.
Reference: PA/2018/1050
Description: Application for approval of reserved matters pursuant to outline application PA/2016/1301 dated 16/11/2016 for the erection of five dwellings and associated garages with all matters reserved for subsequent approval.
Site Address: Bowling Green, Station Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4BB
NLC Decision 13/09/2018: Approval of Reserved Matters, Regulation 3
Reference: PA/2017/440
Description: Planning permission for the change of use of land for Airsoft events and Zombie experience.
Site Address: RAF Kirton in Lindsey, B1400 From B1398 to B1205, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4HZ
NLC Decision 14/05/2019: Withdrawn