To enable the Council to work effectively, and to reduce the burden on Full Council meetings, much of the groundwork on the Council's day to day duties is carried out by Committees.  Each Committee is made up of four to seven Councillors and has certain responsibilities and delegated powers.  A Committee cannot act outside of these delegated powers and certain matters (such as expenditure outside its remit) must be referred to Full Council Meetings.

The Town Council has also set up a number of Working Groups to provide task and finish activities to particular projects or areas.  These include the Town Events Working Group, Car Park Working Group and s106 Development Working Group.

Kirton in Lindsey residents are welcome to attend Committee and Working Group meetings just as they are Full Council meetings.  In particular, residents are invited to the Promoting Kirton Committee, the Community Emergency Plan Committee and the Working Groups.  If you are interested in attending please contact the Clerk for further information.

Councillors also represent the Town Council on a number of External Bodies including the Ward led Neighbourhood Action Team (NAT) which is a joint partnership with North Lincolnshire Council, Humberside Police and Town and Parish Councils, North Lincolnshire Council Town and Parish Laision and the Local Council Association (ERNLLCA).

For more information on Committees and their remits and the Working Groups, please follow the links.