The Promoting Kirton Committee usually meets on the second Monday of each month with the exception of August (unless otherwise advertised).

Members of the Public are able and encouraged to join this committee - please contact the Clerk if you are interested.


The Remit of the Promoting Kirton (“PK”) Committee (maximum of seven Cllrs alongside non-voting non-Cllrs)

The role of the Committee is to oversee action by the Town Council to promote the town of Kirton in Lindsey for the benefit of residents and businesses located in the town.

The Committee shall also encourage visitors to the town for the benefit of residents and businesses located in the town.

The Committee shall keep under review annual events such as the Summer Gala, the Christmas Festival, the Civic Dinner, the Civic Service, Civic Awards and Kirton in Bloom Competitions and shall consider adding events or varying events as appropriate.

The Committee shall prepare budgets for consideration by Full Council for annual events such as the Summer Gala, the Christmas Festival, the Civic Dinner, the Civic Service, Civic Awards and Kirton in Bloom Competitions and will organise and use the budget provided for the events.

Prepare budgets for consideration by Full Council for other functions held by the Council and to organise and use the budget provided for other functions held by the Town Council.

Facilitate working in partnership and forming and identifying links with schools, voluntary organisations, tourism organisations and other relevant bodies.

To develop and agree promotion of events and other promotional announcements through press releases and publicity.

To source and apply for potential sources of funding available to the Town Council or its charities as required.

To report back to Full Council.