The main activities of your council are outlined below, though this list is by no means exhaustive:
Holds monthly Full Council meetings, plus monthly meetings of internal committees. The Full council is always on the fourth Wednesday of the Month expect December when it is the third Wednesday. The Council sometimes does not meet in August.
Represents the Council and the interests of the town at external meetings and events and sits on local bodies of importance.
Makes representations on planning matters, the Local Development Framework, and any other matters related to the development and upkeep of the town on your behalf to North Lincolnshire Council.
Employs a trained and experienced Clerk (or one undertaking the necessary training) and Responsible Financial Officer to oversee the council's administration.
Employs contractors to ensure the upkeep of public areas and assets owned by the Town Council.
Employs a Cemetery Clerk to arrange burials and ensure the efficient running of the Cemetery.
Enters the town into the CPRE Best Kept Village Competition. Kirton in Bloom also enter the town into the East Midlands in Bloom Competition.
Raises money from the precept to enable effective service delivery to residents.
Works in partnership to organise community events such as the Christmas Festival, Summer Gala, Charity Dinners and other events within the town.
Listens to residents concerns and assists when able.
Keeps residents up to date with regular bulletins in Kirton First, and with information supplied on the noticeboard, website and other online sources including Facebook.
Makes representations on consultation papers from Communities and Local Goverment Department of Central Government.
Lobbies North Lincolnshire Council on matters of concern.
Act is Corporate Trustees in running of the three Town Council Charities - The Green and Market Place, The War Memorial and Garden of Edward Elmhurst Duckering, and the Torksey Charity.
Develops and reviews the Kirton in Lindsey Community Emeregency Plan to deal with emergencies within the town.
Has taken on devolved authority from North Lincolnshire Council for maintenance of the parish Public Rights of Way and the highway verges and green amenity spaces within the town.
Provides litter and dog bins and benches (though not all, as some within the town are provided by North Lincolnshire Council).
Provides funding to local groups and projects through Local Government Act 1972 powers, by Section 137 funding and the General Power of Competence.
- Manages and maintains a number of open spaces and floral displays across the town.
- Manages and maintains the play equipment on The Green.